Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wordpress Plugins Development: A Potential Freelancing Career

We all know wordpress is the most powerfull content management system in the world. You can create blogging site, portfolio site, photo gallarey site, news portal site, e-commerce site etc. with wordpress. Good sequrity, easy management, lots of plugins are available there. As a result everyday people creating website with wordpress. In a study we found that, everyday new sites launches more than 1 lacks which is made by wordpress.

What is wordpress plugins?

Wordpress plugins tolls created by the developers, which is you can use as your need in your site. It is not included by default in wordpress. You have to install it and it will take few minutes to install. For example, you want to add a pool or voting system in your site. By PHP it will take time. But you can get this kind of plugins in wordpress. Within few minutes you can add these plugins from the plugins settings.

Demand of wordpress plugins

Wordpress users increasing day by day as well as the demand of theme development, customization, plugins development increasing. If you search online freelance marketplace like odesk, freelancer, elance, then you understand the demand and the rate of the work. A professional plugins developer can earn $20 to $40 per hour. So, if anyone works 6 hours a day he/she will get $120 and more than $3000 in a month. But you have to work as a professional.

As an wordpress plugins developer you can also earn by selling wordpress theme in different market place. Themeforest is the best market place for selling theme.

How you learn?

You can get huge resources and tutorials in online. Remember, if you want to learn wordpress plugins development, you have to learn first PHP, CSS, HTML, and JAVA SCRIPT.

Do not worry! Eoclub recently decide to publish step by step professional wordpress plugins development tutorials.

Thank you very much for reading this article.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Keep safe your internet browser

Every day we log in so many different sites by using the browser. Most of the time you see a message
when you log on a site like this, would you want to save your password or not. Most of the times we click yes without understanding anything. So that your browser saves the password. After that when you go to log into any sites your browser automatically give your password, you do not need to type it.

When one computer uses many people think there is a chance to steal your password and what are the sites you have visited and downloaded everything will be available in the browser. Anyone can get easily your important and private documents or any others feel. For this reason you do not have privacy. But if you want, you can give up this problem by following the below steps- 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Earn Online With AdFly Part 2

Welcome to the 2nd part of earning online with adfly part 2. If you miss part 1 go here. Last day we gave an overview on adfly. Today I will show you how you work with adfly. 

First, click the link below and sign up.

Check your email and confirm it. Now log in adfly. After log in you see a box where write shrink. Now copy the link you wanted to short and paste it into the box. You will get your short link. It can be any kind of link such as software download link or any other link. Now promote this link in facebook, twitter, google plus, blog post, blog comment etc.

Pop ads:
If you wish, you can use pop ads. Pop ad is when a visitor enters your site it is automatically show pop ads. Visitors no need to click anywhere but you will earn money. To get pop ad code, click on the tools menu in the dashboard. Then click on the pop ads. Copy the code and submit it in the footer of your site. 

That’s it. You have done. Now start working. Good luck.